Health and wellness apps focus on helping you lead a healthy lifestyle as well as being at the top of your game, both mentally and physically. Though one may instinctively think of diet and exercise, health and wellness apps cover a wider range, including meditation and mindfulness, keeping a journal or a mood diary, nutrition, weight loss and fitness, stress relief, and organization, among other things.
What is a “Health and Wellness” app?

About YouVeda
YouVeda, which means “knowledge of yourself”, is an American company aimed at improving quality of life. As stated on their website, it “is a holistic approach to maintaining a healthy body and mind, through a fusion of botanical and herbal extracts, ancient Ayurvedic medicine, and modern technology”.

Ayurveda is an ancient type of traditional Indian medicine, considered to be a form of alternative medicine in the United States. It focuses on finding a balance of mind, body, and spirit to help you to heal. This balance is accomplished through diet, yoga, meditation, and herbal compounds.
YouVeda Wellness App
ASAP developers worked with YouVeda to create a mobile application with React Native for iOS and Android, which allows YouVeda customers to follow the programs associated with the products they bought.
YouVeda doesn’t just sell capsules; they also provide a variety of extras to make the most of them. They consider exercise, meditation, and a balanced diet to be the cornerstones of healthy living, and the app provides tips and information on these topics while helping users track their progress.
The YouVeda app lets users:

How did we help?
In addition to developing the features mentioned above for users, our developers built the backend of the platform as a CMS (content management system) where administrators without technical knowledge can upload new content daily without the intervention of developers.
The resulting mobile app is easy to use and provides a great user experience, allowing clients to follow the programs using videos, audios, and articles. Not only did our developers manage to remain within budget, but they also allowed YouVeda to increase user engagement and provide extra services, which made for a very satisfied customer.

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