FlutterMobile AppsReact Native November 23, 2020 Cross-platform frameworks vs. native code developmentCross-platform frameworks vs. native code development Native apps have long been held at a higher… Pablo Giampedraglia
Mobile Apps September 14, 2020 Mobile-friendly vs Mobile-responsive vs Responsive designMobile-friendly, Mobile-responsive, and Responsive design Over the last decade, there has been a significant rise… Pablo Giampedraglia
Mobile Apps September 8, 2020 What is ASO: App Store Optimization?Introduction When launching a mobile app, one of the main concerns is that as many… Pablo Giampedraglia
Mobile Apps August 31, 2020 Mobile app gamification strategiesMobile app gamification strategies It’s no secret that mobile games can be extremely engaging and… Pablo Giampedraglia
Mobile Apps August 17, 2020 Funding your startup: 7 ways to raise moneyFunding your startup If you have a great idea for a mobile app or a… Pablo Giampedraglia
Mobile Apps August 12, 2020 What are push notifications and why are they important?Push notifications By now, we are all pretty used to getting push notifications from apps… Pablo Giampedraglia
Mobile Apps July 6, 2020 Mobile App Marketing Strategies: What to do after launching a your app?Mobile app marketing strategies So, you’ve finished all the work, you’ve done the research, designed… Pablo Giampedraglia
Mobile Apps June 24, 2020 Free vs open source softwareFree vs Open Source You may have noticed that, within the development community, some terms… Pablo Giampedraglia
FlutterMobile AppsReact Native June 16, 2020 Best cross-platform mobile app frameworksBest cross-platform frameworks Cross-platform mobile app development has revolutionized the mobile app industry. Thanks to… Pablo Giampedraglia
Mobile Apps June 2, 2020 9 mobile app usability issues you should avoidMobile app usability issues Mobile app usability should always be a priority when developing any… Pablo Giampedraglia