Mobile AppsReact Native January 13, 2020 Why mobile app internationalization mattersMobile App Internationalization Over the last few months, we’ve been sharing some of our top… Pablo Giampedraglia
React Native January 6, 2020 React Native Tools and React Development ToolsReact Native Development Tools Building big and powerful apps can be challenging. However, when building… Pablo Giampedraglia
Python December 30, 2019 Three Python tools to automate testingPython tools to automate testing As you know, in any development process there are quite… Pablo Giampedraglia
Mobile Apps December 23, 2019 Why is culture important in a software development company?Culture in a software development company These days, we hear a lot about culture and… Pablo Giampedraglia
React December 16, 2019 A new approach to leadership at the React Boston conferenceReact Boston conference Over the last few months, we’ve been sharing some of our top picks for… Pablo Giampedraglia
Python December 11, 2019 Python 3.8 release and roadmapPython roadmap Just a few weeks ago, Python released the latest version of its 3.x… Pablo Giampedraglia
React Native December 9, 2019 What not to do in UX design of react native mobile appsWhat not to do in UX design As we discussed in a previous article, mobile… Pablo Giampedraglia
San Francisco December 4, 2019 Disrupt San Francisco 2019: The future of PostmatesThe future of Postmates In a previous article, we talked about our top mobile app… Pablo Giampedraglia
Python November 23, 2019 Why we choose Python as a backend languageWhy we choose Python as a backend language Developers have long been debating which is… Pablo Giampedraglia
Mobile Apps November 18, 2019 Everything you need to know about mobile app onboardingEverything you need to know about mobile app onboarding Even if you don’t know what… Pablo Giampedraglia